Lucknow city is home to one of the earliest seats of learning in North India. The University of Lucknow is, in fact, ranked among the oldest and leading universities of the country. The campus has a rich past coupled with glorious architectural brilliance incorporating the Mughal and Victorian era designs that Lucknow is synonymous with.
The idea of establishing a university in the city of Lucknow was first proposed by Raja Mohammad Ali Mohammad Khan of Mahmudabad. He wrote an article in “The Pioneer” urging the concerned authorities to establish a world class university in the city of Nawabs. Later, when Sir Harcourt Butler was selected as the Lieutenant-Governor of the United Province, the idea of setting up a university gained weight. Since, Sir Harcourt Butler was the head of the state, he gave his consent and provided guidance in establishing a university in the city.
The first step in setting up the university took place when a senior committee of former and current educationists and distinguished personalities was formed. Sir Harcourt Butler was appointed the chairman of the committee. The committee met at Government House on 10th November 1919 and Sir Harcourt Butler prepared the plan for the new university.
University of Lucknow: History
The Lucknow University actually grew out of the prominent Canning College, established in 1867 by famous Raja Dakshinaranjan Mukherjee. The university was established after extensive recommendations made by the Sadler Commission. The University was officially established on 25th November 1920 by the Governor General. The foundation stone was laid on 19th March 1921 by Sir Harcourt Butler. Dr. Gyanendra Nath Chakravarti was the first vice-chancellor of Lucknow University and full-fledged classes started on 17th July, 1921.
Early Days of Lucknow University
The expansion of Lucknow University started with generous monetary help from the government and taluqdars and within 25 years of its commencement, it acquired immense recognition among the educationists. It progressed brilliantly and soon was recognized as a respected center of learning in India.
There were quite a few renowned teachers and professors who taught at this university. Professor Radhakumud Mukhopadhyay and Radhakamal (History), Prof Dhurjati Prasad Mukhopadhyay (Economics), Prof Laurence Brander, and Birbal Sahni (English) were among some of the eminent educationists at the University of Lucknow. Currently, this university is one of the biggest universities of the country with over 100,000 students and more than 100 affiliated colleges. Every year, thousands of students throng to take admission in different graduate, post graduate and PhD disciplines at the university.
The University Today
Lucknow University is in complete process of makeover to revive as a superior center of learning with global competiveness and technical edge to rise as a foremost institution of higher education. Rapid changes have been made during the years across several aspects in order to initiate the transformation to meet the needs of different knowledge-based industries. We would publish more articles in future about the glorious institution as all of its rich past and current developments can’t be put together here.